Restarting Training and Cadet Sessions

We are restarting cadet sessions and other training at Arnside from mid June 2020

Government regulations now allow up to 6 people to meet outside along as they keep 2 metres apart. National sports bodies, such as the RYA advise that we can now restart training as long as social distancing is maintained, risk is reduced and stringent hygiene rules are in place.

We are now offering the following training at Arnside.

A) Sailing

Cadet high tide sessions – For advanced cadets who are capable of self rescue

Cadet low tide beginner sessions  

Cadet low tide improver sessions – For cadets who would normally be starting to sail at high tide

Adult low tide beginner and improver sessions – For adults who would normally sail with experienced sailors

B) Paddle Boarding

Half day lessons at low tide

C) Windsurfing

Half Day taster sessions at low tide


We are hoping to restart 2 day adult / family courses  and 4 day cadet courses at Killington from  July. However we will need to restrict numbers on cadet courses. On adult / family courses all participants should come from the same household or bubble and the instructor will be on a safety boat rather than the same boat as the pupils.

More Details

For more details of our training courses visit our Learn page