Paddleboarding and Kayaking

Rowing and Windsurfing

In addition to sailing, the club offers paddle boarding, kayaking, windsurfing and rowing. We are a Paddle UK affiliated club. Water sports are great way of enjoying the area's natural environment. Around 30% of our members are paddle boarders or kayakers rather than sailors. We have an active paddle board and kayak section.

We keen to promote the social aspects of water sports. Being part of a club gives you new friends who you can out on the water with. Going out as part of a group means that there are others on the water at the same time as you.

Scroll down to find up more about social paddleboarding and kayaking offer, windsurfing and rowing.






We offer paddle boarding. kayaking and windsurfing lessons, both for beginners and improvers. Arnside is an ideal place to learn sports such as paddle boarding as the water is quite shallow at low tide. After two hours you should be standing up confidentially on your board.

The Club can also run lessons for groups, such as schools and youth groups or groups of older people. Learning a water sport is something that a family can do together.

For more details see our learn page.



Paddle Boarding








Arnside is a great place to enjoy stand up paddle boarding.  At low tide the water is shallow enough to stand up in. The scenery is superb. Enjoy seeing the village and surrounding hills from the water. On a summer evening, it is lovely to go out on the estuary on a paddle board. 

Stand up paddle board is one of the world's fastest growing sports. It is good for the body and great to do with friends and family. It is quick to learn. You should be standing up and paddling confidentially after two hours training,

The Club introduced paddleboarding in 2000. We have since taught over 400 people to paddle board. 

Our Paddleboard Offer

The Club offers you.

a) Free use of club paddle boards when they are not been used for training. 

b) Access to our craft booking system which shows tide times and when it is safe to go out paddle boarding.

c) Group social sessions on the estuary at Arnside led by trained sessions

d) Family fun sessions based on the beach at Arnside by our Boat Park

e) Lessons for Beginners and Improvers

f) Led trips to other locations such as lakes, rivers and the canal

g) The chance to paddleboard at Killington as part of our club nights there on Thursday evenings from mid May to mid September

So why enjoy the fun and join the Club

Our Paddle Boards

The Club has 11 paddle boards, We use Killington's paddle boards for club nights there.

Our paddle boards come in the following lengths

Short - 9' 8" suitable for weights up to 85 kg, 13 stone 5lb

Medium - 10' 4" suitable for weights up to 95 kg. 14 stone 13lb

Long - 10' 8" suitable for weights up to 105 kg,  16 stone 7lb     

The paddle boards were funded by grants from Arnside-Silverdale Grant Fund, Cumbria Community Foundation and Orsted, one of the world's largest green energy companies, through their Walney Windfarm Extension Community Fund.


We only allow paddleboarding at low tide, which is generally about 60% of the time. The tide only reaches Arnside for 3 to 4 hours at high tide. The rest of the time, it is low tide. There are two high tides a day with tides times advancing by 50 minutes a day. Tide heights vary according to the lunar cycle. Tides can go out and come in very quickly often with a bore. There are sirens warning of the incoming tide and bore.

Members have access to a craft booking system, which shows tides and what times it is safe to go out in.

We do not allow paddleboarding on The Bore.



On a sunny day there is no better way of enjoying Arnside's superb natural environment than going for a gentle paddle on the estuary. Kayaking is one easiest water sports to learn. It is great way to introduce children to the water and for families to do together. Member families often spend the day on beach using club kayaks and paddleboards to go out on the water. 

We are placid water canoe club rather than white water one. We offer kayaking as a low tide option, when the main channel is little than a river running down a beach. If you are looking for white water we recommend changing another club

Our Kayaks

The Club has three double and four single sit  on top kayaks. They are available for use by members free of charge, unless. they are being used for training. Two of the single kayaks have a weight limit of 88kg or 14 stone. Club kayaks should not be used to Ride the Bore or taken under the viaduct,

Kayak and Canoe Storage

The Club has limited storage space for members' kayaks and canoes. We expect any craft kept in our Boat Park to be used on a regular basis. We do not advise keeping your own kayaks or canoes in the Boat Park unless you plan using them on the estuary on a regular basis

Other Canoe Clubs in the Area 

Lakeland Canoe Club in Kendal offer river trips, white water, sea kayaking in Morecambe including riding The Bore, indoor sessions in Kendal Pool and water polo

Lancaster Canoe Club are based in the River Lune at Halton

Paddle Club





Social Paddleboarding and Kayaking and Led Trips

We offer social group paddleboarding and kayaking as follows

Group Sessions at Low Tide at Arnside - for example we might decide to paddle out into the Bay past Blackstones Point towards Grange-over-Sands at low tide

Family Sessions on the Beach at Arnside - A chance for families to enjoy paddeboarding and kayaking together

Led Sessions at Killington - we will generally aim to make a circuit of the lake following the shore round

Trips to other locations - such as lakes, canals and rivers, for example the canal through the centre of Lancaster or Derwentwater

Paddling in groups is a good way of making new friends with the added benefit of safety in numbers. All our paddle sports sessions are led by instructors or trained volunteers.

Paddle Club Programme 2025 (Subject to Variation)

Date Event Location
Fri 4 April 7.30 pm Talk by Jo Moseley, Author of Paddleboarding in the Lake District Clubhouse
Sat 5 April 10am First Group Paddle of the Season Arnside
Sat 19 April 11 am to 1pm Easter Fun Day in Boat Park with a chance to kayak or paddle board Arnside
Thurs 8 May 5.30 pm Group Paddle Evening Killington
Sat 10 May 9.30 an Club Trip – Upper Kent Estuary


Dallam to Arnside
Tues 20 May 6pm Club Evening Paddle Arnside
Tues 3 June 6 pm Club Evening Trip – River Lune Halton
Tues 19 June 5.30 pm Club Evening Paddle Killington
Sat 28 June 9.30 am – 12pm Family Fun Paddle / Taster Arnside
Tues 1 July Club Evening Trip Canal?
Sat 19 July Family Fun Paddle / Taster Arnside
Tues 29 July Evening Paddle TBA
Sat 3 Aug All Day Club Paddle Trip Lakes?
Thurs 14 Aug 5.30 pm Club Evening Paddle Killington
Sat 20 Sept Club Trip Lakes or Canal
Sat 4 Oct All Day Club Trip – River Derwent from Derwentwater Keswick

Download Programme as a pdf

Booking is via Eola except for Jo Moseley Talk which is via Ticket Tailor

Other Opportunities to Paddle Board and Kayak

Other opportunities to paddle by yourself or with friends and families are

Low Tide at Arnside - Members have access to a craft booking calendar which shows tide times and when it is safe to go out

Killington Club Nights - You can book out paddleboards and sit in kayaks.

a) Paddle Boards. To book

b) Kayaks. To book

Our Club Nights take place on Thursday evenings and run from mid May to mid September


Rowing Peggy Blackett in 2018

"Jabberwocky "our Gaffling 4.1 dinghy can also be rowed, either with oars so can be rowed or sculled using the sculling notch in the transom. She rows very well.

Rowing was popular at Arnside in Victorian times. Regattas featured rowing races for four and two oared boats. In the 1950s Earnseat Prep School on the seafront at Ashmeadow owned Kittiwake a rowing dinghy.

We would interested in hearing from any group that wanted to keep a sea going 4 to 6 person rowing boat such as a St Ayles Skiff  or Cornish Gig at Arnside


Inflatable rigs, Arnside

Windsurfing, Killington

We can offer windsurfing both Arnside and Killington. 

Windsurfing rose to worldwide popularity in the 1970s and 80s, becoming an Olympic sport. In recent years there has been increase in interest in the sport.

Windsurfing is relatively easy to learn, though there it is a lot of getting wet involved. It is suitable for both adults and children, Once you get going it can be great fun (and fast - the top speed recorded is 98km per hour). It is never boring. Windsurfing is an outstanding way of connecting with nature, wind and wet It is great exercise, a full body workout, using all your muscles, demanding your full concentration, keeping you fit and healthy. It is great way of unwinding after work leaving all troubles and stress behind whilst you are out on the water enjoying yourself. So give it a go.


We promote windsurfing as a low tide option. We have inflatable windsurf rigs that can be attached to paddle boards and one metal rig. Inflatable rigs being lighter are easier to learn with. Our inflatable rigs come in two sizes depending on your height ( Medium for heights 140 to 180 cm, 4' 7" to 5'  10" and large for heights 175 to 200 cm,  5' 8" to 6'  6")


You can windsurf  on our club nights there on Thursday evenings

To book

Killington is popular with local windsurfers as it can have good winds.

Windsurfing Lessons

We run beginner taster lessons and improvers clinics. We are a RYA training centre at Killington for beginner and immediate windsurfing lessons.

Beginner Lessons - Thu 12 June, Thurs 26 June, both at 5.30pm

To book and check dates Beginner Windsurf

Improver Clinics - Thu 22nd May, 5.30 pm

To book and check dates click : Improver Windsurfing

Prices  £45, club members £40 for 2.5 hour lesson

We may be able to put on private windsurfing lessons either at Arnside or Killington by prior arrangement contact

We are unable to supply wetsuits for lessons



Kitesurfing (and Wingfoiling) also takes place on the estuary, though not organised by the Club.

Use of Club Kayaks, Paddle Boards and Windsurf Rigs by Members

Club craft and equipment is available for use by competent  members when not being used  for training. Whilst  Club craft and equipment is available for use by members, it is the member’s decision to take out club equipment on the day given weather, tidal and wind condition and currents, rather than the Club's. Arnside Sailing Club has no responsibility for any loss, damage, death or injury caused as a direct or indirect result of the use of the club equipment, including the failure of club equipment. Users of Club craft and equipment are responsible for checking that club craft and equipment is in safe working order before going out. Buoyancy Aids must be worn at all times, including at low tide.

You can read the full Terms and Conditions by clicking the link below. 

Terms and Conditions for use of Club Craft and Equipment

Booking Club Craft and Equipment

 For a link to the booking system contact

Kayaking and Paddle Boarding Tips

Only go out in conditions that you are competent to go out in. Conditions vary according to the weather, wind, amount of water coming down the river and tidal flows. Check the forecast before going out.


The best time to go paddle boarding or canoeing is on a calm day at low tide, ideally with the sun shining. If you have not paddle boarded before we encourage you to take a lesson.

Low Tide

Beginners are  restricted to the area between the Promenade and New Barns. Be more cautious if paddling with children.

Longer journeys are possible if you are experienced, but allow time to get back before the Bore. It is also possible to go up the wrong channel by mistake. The depth of water may be very shallow in places. 

Familiarize yourself with tide times, so you are back at the Dinghy Park before the tide comes in. 

If going out when the water is still flowing out after high tide, wait till currents have subsided before launching.

High Tide

Club paddle board should not be used at high tide.

Kayaks may be used  by experienced canoeists in calm conditions at high tide. Keep within 50 metres of the Arnside shore. Wait till tidal currents have subsided before going out, watch out for the tide turning and return to the dinghy park before the outgoing tidal current increases.  Whilst safety boat cover may be provided at high tide it is primarily for sailing. The safety boat may not be able to see you if you are in trouble. 

Buoyancy Aids

Buoyancy Aids shown be worn at all times when canoeing or paddle boarding.


Paddle board leashes should be attached to your waist at all times. After use attach the leash to the paddle board handle so it does not drag on the ground.

What to wear

In cooler conditions wear a wetsuit. On hot summers day, some combination of swimsuit, broad shorts, quick drying T shirt or rash vest and a cap to shield the sun. Wear sun cream in sunny weather. You  can buy quick drying thermal or neoprene tops which are designed for paddle boarding. If windsurfing, wear a wetsuit.

Paddling with children

For children under 12 there should be one adult per child, between 12 and 16, two children per adult. Only go out with inexperienced children in calm conditions and if you are competent. If going out with a young child, have the child sat in front of you. Children (or adults) should not share boards.

Choose the right board size

Choose the right board for your height and weight. Do not overload a board if paddling with small children. You might need a bigger board than normal for your combined weight. 


If you have not paddle boarded before we strongly advise you to take a lesson first. Start by kneeling on the board.

Check equipment before going out

Check that paddle boards are pumped up correctly, leashes and fins securely attached.  On canoes check that bungs are in place.

On return clean the boards or kayaks. Attach paddle board leashes to the handle.

Kayak Trolleys

Kayak trolleys are available to help carry canoes down to the beach. When taking a kayak out of the water, it easier is to attach the trolley to the kayak on flat firm ground rather than on a muddy slope. It can be helpful to turn the kayak on its side to attach the trolley


Keep away from any fisherman. Their lines are longer than they look.


Avoid rocks on the shore.

The Siren

There are two sirens warning of the incoming tide. The first is sounded about one hour before the tide comes in. When the first siren goes off start returning to the Dinghy Park. If you are still in the water when the second siren goes off proceed to the nearest bit of shore as quickly as possible.

The Bore

On no account must club canoes and paddle boards be used to surf The Bore


Do not go out when there are strong currents. Strong currents occur when the tide is coming in or out or where there is a lot of water in the river, after heavy rain


Do not go out in conditions which you are not competent to go out in, for example if the wind is very strong or the water quite choppy.

Beginners should not go out when wind speeds are higher than 12 nph. Club canoes and paddle boards should not be used in winds stronger than 18 mph. Check the forecast before going out.


If landing on a sandbank be aware of potential quicksand

Tide Times

Tide times are shown in the dinghy park booking system which members have access to. However, times vary according to conditions.

You can buy tide timetables for Barrow (add 20 minutes for Arnside). There are websites with tide times for Arnside. Some are more accurate than others. The Bore comes in about 1 hour before high tide. Some tide timetables give times in Greenwich Mean Time. You need to add one hour for British Summer Time.